Children: Miriam, Yossi, Benji
Grandchildren: Yecheskel, Yisrael Meir, Lazer, Rochel
A Bit About Me
I was born and raised In Johannesburg, South Africa. I come from a prestigious line of Torah leaders including my grand-father, HaRav Yamin Cohen, the Chief Rabbi of Tangiers, Morocco. I went to school at Yeshiva College and at the age of 16 did my 12th grade In Israel. I came back to South Africa at 18 and pursued a BA majoring in Hebrew and Judaica and simultaneously received my Hebrew Teacher’s diploma. I then taught grade 1 in South Africa and subsequently immigrated to Canada where I taught grade 1 at Ohr Haemet.
In Canada I had my three children: Miriam who is a social worker, Yossi who is in kollel at Ner Yisrael Toronto and Benji who attends DANI. I have four grandchildren whom I love and want to be there to see them reach their milestones.
My journey with kidney failure
Diagnosed with kidney disease caused by complications from medicine I was prescribed.
Currently in end-stage renal failure with my kidneys functioning at only 9%.
Now I am turning to you to help me find a life-saving match!